Modular Country, assisting you in the purchase of your home…

 Modular Country, assisting you in the purchase of your home…

Photo courtesy of
18 Apr

Modular Country understands that each customer has different needs and requirements when it comes to developing their home site. Some are in a position to establish their dwelling or granny flat as a dependant persones unit with a permit for their secondary dwelling. As an example a dependant person may be an elderly relative, a truant son or disabled sibling. Whilst other customers do need to seek local council approval for their dwelling by way of a development appplication. Modular Country can assist in this process through referrals to skilled and professional town planners, capable of ascertaining exactly what it is you require for your development approval. Soil tests may be needed in certain councils, prior to the drawing up of engineering plans for your site. Once again Modular Country can assist if these are needed.

When the modular home arrives on your site there is the need to lift it off the container by means of crane, before the installation process begins.. Before installing your home piers need to be dug and concreted to secure the foundations of your dwelling. Local concreters can assist, supervised by yourself, in the event you are an owner builder, or by the builder of your choice. Once the piers are finalised you are ready to commence the installation of your new dwelling. This usually only takes a few days to a week in many instances. Connecting your modular home to services is the next step toward establishing your home, with plumbers and electricians being required at this point in the development. 

Last but not least those choosing to add a veranda to their modular home may then have this installed to the front and/or side of the home. Landscaping can then commence with the turfing of your surrounding area and planting of trees, plants and shrubs if reuired. Obviously a driveway and carport or garage may be added at your leisure.  Email us on with your questions and we can provide further information as and when required. There are owner builder courses available should you not have a registered builder to instal your dwelling, and there are installation services we can refer you to if needed. 

Don’t forget you may call us on 0478230553 for any other details. We are happy to help.

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